We have rebranded!

mbe rebrand weight loss Feb 02, 2021

We announced on February 1st that Miller Method is now known as Metabolism Based Eating.  We decided to rebrand for a number of reasons but the primary one is so that our method and approach is identified rather than our brand being associated with either Todd or Steph.

Metabolism Based Eating is a scientific approach to nutrition planning that is applicable to most people.  It is not a diet.  Rather it serves as an objective way to provide nutrition intervention using for calorie and macronutrient targets from Resting Metabolic Rate and body composition assessments.  The RMR and body composition assessments allow for customized planning for one's unique needs to support whatever goals one may have.  

We support the MBE approach for just about anyone!  One can follow an MBE plan to lose fat and improve body composition.  Or one can follow an MBE plan to improve health markers and reduce the risk of chronic conditions, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.  Food tracking and calorie tracking is not always required.  

We hope that health professionals use MBE for comprehensive assessment before guiding their clients on how to make food choices in appropriate portions.  The recent trend and popularity has shift towards Intuitive Eating, which is a more holistic approach to eating while honoring body signals.  While we support the foundation of IE practice, we do not feel as though it is a comprehensive or scientific approach to nutrition planning.  We hope to discuss this in future content.  

You will start to see many of our social media accounts change over to Metabolism Based Eating.  Please visit https://metabolismbasedeating.com to explore our services and content. 

The Miller Method website remains active for now and you can access your library of products through the login area in the header.  We hope to move everyone over to the MBE website in the coming month so be paying attention to your email for updates on any products you own.  

We hope you are as excited about this change as we are!  We are very grateful for your continued support in all we do.


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